What is Root Canal Therapy?

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is used to treat an infection or decay that has occurred to the center of one’s tooth. It allows the tooth to become restored to normal and allows it to function properly again. Having a root canal performed is one of the best ways to ensure that you’re tooth is saved. While it’s often believed that having the tooth removed is the right option, a root canal procedure is less costly and is less likely to result in damage.

When is Root Canal Therapy Needed?

Being able to identify the issue and knowing when it’s right to have root canal therapy performed will be helpful for having the tooth fixed for good. Here are some of the signs and symptoms to look out for:

  • A toothache or pain in the teeth
  • When your tooth has swollen or is sore to touch
  • Sensitive in your teeth to hot or cold
  • An abscess is present on your gums

There may be times when you don’t experience any symptoms, but your tooth has become infected or damaged. In such cases, you’ll still require treatment. You’ll also want to consider root canal treatment when:

  • The pulp of your tooth is starting to decay
  • Your tooth has become infected or an abscess has developed within the pulp
  • You’ve suffered an injury or knock to your tooth

What Process is Involved in Root Canal Therapy?

The tooth is numbed and then a rubber sheet, known as a dam, is wrapped around the tooth. This helps to keep it dry. The tooth is opened and files of a root canal are added in. This causes the pulp, as well as any bacteria or decay to lift from the tooth. The tooth is then cleaned and a filling is added, The filling can be permanent or temporary, depending on what is required. If it’s a temporary filling, you’ll need to return for repeat appointments. During a follow-up appointment, usually the week after, materials will be used to fill the cavity, a filling will be placed over the top of the tooth, and a brown cap will be added over it to finish. Your teeth might be sensitive for a while following the treatment. However, this usually disappears once the inflammation dies down.

Root Canal Therapy in Oklahoma

If you’re in Oklahoma and think you might need root canal therapy, head over to the website: okcendoimplant.com. Their professional team of dentists can take care of you and help you understand the process of what will be involved. For more information, you can contact them here.